I thought she was just being polite.wow was she right! She looked, said 'good luck.this will be a very good one for you'.
I did my first 10 spins as $3.60/spin and then moved up to max ($4.80). She got into the 3 coins bonus and after about 11 spins, I got into it too. Woman came in to one of the machines I was going to do (there were 2 left I hadn't played yet), so it made my choice of which machine to play for me. Got that one up to $400 (had 51 spins in this one), cashed out, went to next machine. Same thing.got into bonus, got a little bit, cashed out, went to next machine.
Cashed out, moved to another machine in that bank. Went to one of them, hit 3 coins quickly, go my stake up to $80ish, then gave some up. Had a $35 ticket left from slots and some money in my pocket. Was on my way out the casino when I noticed BuffaloGold bank of 6 machines by the Craps tables were empty (normally filled with heavy chain smokers, and I don't smoke).
So, a couple of days ago, I was playing Craps and, well, it was crappy :(Then, I moved to Eureka Blast and got it up, and lost it all back